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The Secret Life of Money: exposing the private parts of personal money

What do our money habits reveal about us? Is money related to control? Do men and women differ? Why are we so uncomfortable talking about money? This fascinating book takes the covers off many intriguing questions, exploring early childhood memories of money and how these continue to influence our adult attitudes and behaviours.

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New Faces of Leadership

Co-written with Professor Amanda Sinclair, the book describes the experiences of 30 of Australia’s business leaders, all with successful careers in large corporations. 

The childhood stories of these men and women are enlightening. They establish that early experiences in crossing various types of borders – physical, cultural, linguistic, socio-economic and emotional – are a key ingredient for successful leadership in today’s world. It suggests that successful future leaders will be people who, having harnessed their own experiences of difference, are able to bring openness, flexibility and courage to their leadership.

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The Culture-Inclusive Classroom: Perspectives from Management Education

The book highlights the need to be aware of cultural backgrounds in the classroom and provides practical ways to understand and respond to differences. 

‘The principles of good cross-cultural communication which the book so effectively articulates can be applied very much more widely…whether in a classroom or on the factory floor’ (The Hon Philip Ruddock, MP, Fmr Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs)

Co-Author: Professor Amanda Sinclair