Book-Launching - the Downs & Ups

Amongst the many small, but significant, woes for writers in Covid times is that lockdowns prevent or postpone the events that help a newly-launched book off the starting blocks. I was lucky to squeeze in a launch in mid-May – though bookshops that normally do launches and had been venues for my previous books – declined. They were not taking risks in their own premises. Understandable I suppose. But the general air of negativity was a real ‘downer’ after finally getting a long-gestated book into production and ready for delivery.


However - I approached fortyfivedownstairs and they were incredibly enthusiastic and supportive. I can’t tell you what a relief it was, how good it felt to be ‘nurtured’ by Phillipa Jelbart and her team.

What a fantastic institution fortyfivedownstairs is! It was started about 20 years ago by Mary-Lou Jelbart - and she received a well deserved award in the recent Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Art exhibitions, theatre productions, cabaret, classical music, burlesque, play readings, opera, dance. It all happens at fortyfivedownstairs. It’s a Melbourne treasure that has helped the careers of so many in the arts sector.


People at my book launch felt immediately as if they were somewhere personal. And familiar. Many had happy memories of events attended over the years. It doesn’t feel too ‘slick’ or too ‘cool’ like some galleries (beautifully minimal though they may be!) Creaky floorboards, welcoming staff, ever-changing and diverse art or photography on the walls. And as an example of presenting ground-breaking work with award-winning actors - last night we saw the wonderful Evelyn Krape as King Lear!


In tough times, places like this need all the support we can offer.



Conversation for Eltham Bookstore: Video


Dulux skin colour charts?